A midsummer night in Athens: love’s dreams and disputes, a magic portion and a royal wedding. In a single night in the fairies’ wood, reality and fantasies merg...
This year, marking Shakespeare's 400th anniversary, has been the perfect time to get into Shakespeare, or renew your undying love for the Bard, with multiple mo...
Joan of Arc is the last instalment in The Faction’s rep season at the New Diorama. The sheer execution of a rep season represents The Faction to a T: delving in...
The ethos of The Faction theatre company is to innovate and reinvigorate classics, inflating the old and tired with a new and stimulating lease of life. If that...
Sitting in the audience with a large school group for a production of Hamlet is always a trying experience. However, artistic pretensions aside, their reactio...
The Faction Theatre Company tells Ellen Carr about the secret to a successful ensemble, making the classics contemporary and their dreams for the future.