As part of The Yard Online, comedian and cabaret artist Christopher Green performed No Show, which originally made its debut at the Yard earlier this year. The...
Lindsey Huebner speaks to theatre critic and now playwright, Ava Wong Davies about being told to decide just one path, crying after scratch nights and how spil...
As I enter the Yard, I’m greeted by a collection of brightly suited women called the Yonis, who methodically weave bananas through each other’s limbs. This int...
Towards the end of Made In China’s Super Duper Close Up, solo-performer Jess Latowicki tells the audience, “I always thought my story would be one with backing ...
Now Festival at The Yard is challenging the boundaries of theatre over five weeks of bold work. Deemed "a festival of new theatre for the here and now", it come...
Re.Home | The Yard Theatre | 9 Feb - 5 March 2016 Presented by Offstage Theatre with Paul Jellis and The Yard Theatre Ten years on from the demolition of...