This year, the lead up to Christmas — or more accurately, the end of December — is obviously a little different due to the fear and restrictions that continue ...
In our politically turbulent times, in which the country was more or less split down the middle in the 2016 EU referendum, and around half of us voted Conserva...
In Christopher Hampton’s The Philanthropist, quiet, anagram-loving philology professor Phillip invites other academics to a party in his Oxbridge college-style ...
This year, marking Shakespeare's 400th anniversary, has been the perfect time to get into Shakespeare, or renew your undying love for the Bard, with multiple mo...
Simon Callow’s one-man play Inside Wagner's Head is an enthralling, dense and unpredictable attempt to examine the inner workings of the mind of divisive Germ...
I got into theatre for the politics. When I was 14, someone bought me a copy of Simon Callow’s book, Being an Actor. In the book, Callow described a company...