Mozart’s Don Giovanni first premiered in Prague in 1787. With libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte, it tells the story of the walking STI that is Don Giovanni (Erwin S...
The comical tragedy of Don Giovanni at the Royal Opera House projects Mozart’s opera in an effortlessly modern manner but maintains the past integrity. The o...
Girls & Boys is not what it may sound like. No, this is not a harmless romance about a boy and a girl, although it begins as one. But as time goes on, our u...
We live in the hope that the future will be better than the reality we have today. That there will be better opportunities, more advanced technologies, more fre...
This, the first revival of Kasper Holten's Don Giovanni, is a production full of visual spectacle. His ability to pull the spectator's focus with lighting desig...
Jennifer Haley’s The Nether explores an interesting and increasingly pertinent concept; the idea of catfishing, deception, and the diverse identities we adopt o...