Chekov; one of the giants of early modernism and perhaps one of the most famous Russian playwrights. The highly anticipated adaptation by Olivier Award-winner ...
Walking into the Brockley Jack theatre, the stage is artfully dishevelled in a way that expertly reproduces a lonely, lived-in residence. Stacks of newspapers r...
With many jukebox musicals that have plonked themselves noisily in London’s theatreland, it’s usually helpful and ultimately more enjoyable to be familiar with ...
Minnesota, 1934. Following the Wall Street crash of 1929 America entered the Great Depression. The winters in the four years after were harsh and hit Americans ...
Joshua McTaggart describes the inspiration behind a brand new theatre space in London. American director Anne Bogart has a beautiful quote about what the ex...
“I always love it when you hear a siren go by” says father-to-be Kurt as he lies in bed with his pregnant wife, “You always think, ‘it’s not me’”. Yet in this p...