Robert Icke is a clever-clogs, a smarty-pants, a boffin. His Stakhanovite work ethic has established him as the wunderkind of London theatre, churning out his s...
The radio drama: a form almost entirely lost to history but which at one time commanded audiences of millions, glued to the wireless to listen to whatever class...
“This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but with a whimper,” reads TS Eliot’s line projected onto the wall behind singer Heloïse Werner during this amb...
Good genre parody is harder to get right than it looks. It has to have an intimate familiarity with (and more often than not, palpable affection for) its source...
“I always love it when you hear a siren go by” says father-to-be Kurt as he lies in bed with his pregnant wife, “You always think, ‘it’s not me’”. Yet in this p...
If ever there was a play which adhered to the dictum “show not tell”, it is Amadeus, the story of the patron saint of mediocrities, Antonio Salieri, and his bat...