All children want their parents to be there for them, to care for them and protect them. But when a parent is deployed and leaves for military service, the ba...
Fourth Monkey Theatre Company have a reputation for working with classical content. With Natalie Katson's script and direction, the Greek myth of the Minotaur i...
“If all of you haven’t left with STIs tonight, we haven’t done our job right!” cackles Apollo (Dean McCullough) our host, his glittery lips twinkling under the...
Yummy director James Welsby’s foreword in the programme states a clear goal: for Yummy to prove that “drag is for everyone”. This aim is achieved with undeniab...
Following on from Camden People's Theatre’s brilliant Come As You Are festival last year, the event is set to replicate its success with a UK tour this Autumn a...
The inaugural performance at The Playground Theatre transformed the space from what was previously a bus depot into a bull pit-come-court room, exhibiting Picas...