AYT Membership

A Younger Theatre has been one of the UK’s leading theatre publications since 2009. In that time, it has helped thousands of young creatives by giving them a platform – a safe space when other publications won’t give them the time of day– and it has offered invaluable experience and training for writers, sub-editors and more. As well, AYT has been a launch pad for many creatives and has spawned festivals and careers. In just over a decade its alumni have moved into every part of the theatre industry, and its writing has inspired many theatregoers.

Now for the first time, we’re asking you, our community, to give back. We have set up a membership model, with plans starting from as little as £2.50 a month, bringing you brilliant exclusive rewards like a monthly ‘Reviewing Culture’ e-magazine, top tips and guidance from a yoga and wellness expert and reserved tickets for EVERY event we do.

By becoming a member, you will:

  • Contribute significantly to keeping AYT alive and to continue championing underrepresented artists from as young as 16, when no other theatre publication will in the form of quality, honest journalism.
  • Make the future of theatre brighter. We have tons of ideas about what we can do to transform the landscape, making it less ageist, sexist, ableist, racist, homophobic, transphobic… the list goes on. But we need financial support to do that.
  • Minimalise our reliance on advertisers to keep going, when this has proved to be a shaky source of income.

We also welcome and greatly appreciate one-off donations. Visit our paypal here