This stage adaptation of The Wizard Oz marks the final production in the first season at the newly redeveloped Leeds Playhouse. This bold and stunning tale has...
John Boyne’s novel The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas became a worldwide bestseller on its publication in 2006; told from the point of view of nine-year-old Bruno, ...
Michelle Magorian’s classic children’s novel Goodnight Mister Tom has captured the hearts of people since its publication in 1981, along with the 1998 film adap...
The final instalment in Shakespeare’s tetralogy of English kings, Henry V arrives at the Barbican just in time for the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Aginco...
Shakespeare's plays, Henry IV Parts 1 & 2, are more two halves of one play than two separate works in and of themselves. Part 1 feels just the beginning of ...
I think everyone will agree that the idea of Christmas without a flying snowman is a horrific and offensive one and, well, actually it's just blasphemy. Every y...