Performed in the beautiful setting of the Brighton Dome, Eye to Eye is a fifty minute musical composition, blending choral singing and jazz music, which explor...
Taking her acclaimed play, Superhoe to Brighton Festival next month, as well as working on a 'top secret' TV series, Nicôle Lecky is busy. We caught up with he...
It is sad that it’s still rare to see a stage dominated by women, so I’m pleased the cast of Our Ladies of Perpetual Succour dominated in the way they did. The ...
Can I Start Again Please is a challenging performance about the capacity of language to represent traumatic experience, particularly childhood sexual abuse. It ...
The Complete Deaths by Spymonkey is an exercise in theatricality and endurance. To perform all of Shakespeare’s 75 on-stage deaths is no mean feat, and not to b...
A man is disturbed to find himself in a place in which everyone his best interests at heart, but from which he is not allowed to leave. This is George (Samu...