What makes a good comedian? It’s impossible to tell, I’ve seen so many that I have loved one week and felt drained by the next. There are few that I’d recommend...
(3/5 stars) The three bears are having a bad day. A bad 27 days in fact – that's how far they are through their punishing run as children's entertainers in ...
(3/5 stars) Silence please, the Artist is speaking. We, the audience – the unenlightened and uninitiated – are here to be instructed in the art of... Art. ...
Blink and you’ll miss it – Encompass Production’s staging of Emma Minihan’s Life in a Sketchbook (a play comprising six interlinking te- minute scenes) offers a...
Imagine a live autopsy, in which the surgeon attempts to surmise what the corpse on his operating table was like when he was alive. This forms the intriguing pr...