A mind-reading machine. “Bridging the communication gap” between fathers and sons, as Scott Graham (Declan Bennett) explains, is the starting point and the d...
A shadow play of memories. That is Tristan Bernays’ Old Fools presented at the Southwark Playhouse for its world premiere. It focuses on the couple Tom (Mark Ar...
The events of Shakespeare’s classic Hamlet take the rather novel form of being played out over the course of Claudius and Gertrude’s wedding night in Kelly Hunt...
Following Simon McBurney’s hyped spectacular that was The Encounter, it is both exciting and slightly puzzling to find another play on the London scene that exp...
The Angry Brigade were a part of Britain’s counter-culture in the early 70s. They began as a bubbling and angry undercurrent of a society that was ordered and s...
George Orwell’s novel 1984 has been regarded as one of the greatest dystopian fiction novels ever written, setting the benchmark for the rest of its genre. N...