The horror showcase began, as these things often do, with an eerie butler-like figure serving as a narrator to connect the five stories. In the first five minut...
The Old Red Lion Theatre is a classic black-box above a pub, with limited seating but an intimate feel. Well-known in London for providing exceedingly cheap and...
The Camden-based celebration of horror in the arts has a fantastic line up of horror-themed theatre, cabaret, screenings and events planned for the run up to Ha...
Edgar Allan Poe could not be absent during this year's London Horror Festival, and in Gimcrack Productions' debut his short story The Fall of the House of Usher...
The annual London Horror Festival is a celebration of everything dark, gory and scary in film and theatre in the run-up to Halloween. Throughout October it will...
Tin Shed Theatre Company is busy, busy, busy. I speak to Company Director Georgina Harris on a chance free day between school tours of An Inspector Calls an...