In our latest feature, guest writer Natasha Sutton Williams speaks to multidisciplinary artist Rhiannon Armstrong about making work grounded in social interven...
The Outsider (Bláithín Mac Gabhann) shelters from the pouring rain within the hallowed walls of Battersea Arts Centre. As they enter they are greeted by a red ...
I have a heart monitor stuck onto my chest and an incredibly realistic baby doll in my arms. This is The Body, Nigel Barrett and Louise Mari's innovative produc...
With VesperTime Stacy (or is it Tracy?) Makishi continues in her inimical style. She continues to be outrageous, to blend film, music, story and truth in what i...
It’s not every Sunday that you escape the dreary London rain with a bit of family friendly LGBT theatre, but on one particular grey Sunday afternoon that’s exac...
Live art. Collision. Hyperlocal. Supernow. Whilst a part of me always wants to rebel against the possible inaccessibility and self-conscious coolness of Fierce ...