Before the lights descended tonight, a ton of people excitedly looked the auditorium up and down as if hoping Cate Blanchett would fly out of the Dorfman’s cei...
The outer shell of the stage recedes to reveal a different kind of artifice. Film crew and stage-hands in black tend to final preparations, as the actors linger...
“It’s nothing to do with loving a man, it’s love full stop that’s poison”. This is the opening line of Lessons in Love and Violence, a new opera by George Benja...
Alice Birch writes likes she’s composing. Her scripts are scattered with full stops for pauses and even lines in square brackets to indicate the unspoken though...
So, Katie Mitchell’s new production of Lucia di Lammermoor is already causing a bit of a stir. It’s not going as far as the general outcry towards her recent ve...
Sarah Kane’s Cleansed is a tangled tapestry of torment. It depicts torture, rape, hanging, mutilation and murder. It has a couple of softer moments, in which lo...