Street Scene is a rollicking, powerful production which kicks off Opera North’s first season of 2020. Kurt Weill’s opera is truly a fusion of genres, and is br...
Earlier this year it was the talk of the musical theatre world when Thom Southerland was appointed the first Artistic Director of Charing Cross Theatre, with th...
Once upon a time there was a grand tower, which stood on the banks of a great gushing river. Though it stood tall, gazing down over the people of the city, it w...
Director Sam Yates has done a marvellous thing. He has managed to revitalise J.B. Priestley’s play Cornelius – a play that, tellingly, has not been produced i...
Something very exciting is happening at The Landor Theatre in Clapham. I’ll cut to the chase - buy your ticket now!
Ragtime is an epic musical by trio Terren...