Listen to an audio version of the review here. From bird watching and nature to life
and friendship, Unicorn Theatre’s new show, Marvin’s Binoculars, is a
Produced by Moya Productions, Dyl chronicles Mark Weinman’s playwriting debut at the Old Red Lion Theatre in Islington. With a variety of previous acting credit...
The Sugar-Coated Bullets of the Bourgeoisie. It takes a second to digest that, just as a title. As a title alone, it packs quite the punch; it’s about as a catc...
Simon Longman’s Sparks is a play of two halves. Ish. Kind of. One half, the first, is marginally longer than the second, though seems even longer than that, as ...
What is immediately arresting about Pomona is the way in which director Ned Bennett and designer Georgia Lowe spill this dark and twisted world beyond the stage...
Back Down is part of The Last Word festival, which describes itself as a “festival of spoken word, live performance and storytelling”, and has been touring sinc...