Some productions are born online, some achieve online productions and some have online productions thrust upon them. In 2020, the latter has been the reality f...
Adapted by Chris Goode, Jubilee transports the original screenplay by Derek Jarman and James Whaley to the stage of the Lyric Hammersmith. Released the year aft...
On 22 May 2013, ITV News obtained footage of a man addressing a camera on a south London street. He makes a series of political statements before walking toward...
Two years ago, Chris Goode and Company made a piece in which the words of children were spoken by a cast of adults. In Travesti, the new piece from Unbound Prod...
Head Hand Head: the mantra and the motion of the obsessive compulsive. From thought to action, internal anxiety is manifested - part-safety, part-affliction. La...
The subtitle of Nicholas Ridout’s Passionate Amateurs: Theatre, Communism and Love, and its central argument – “that theater in modern capitalism can help u...