This Macbeth lives in a world of bin bag chic. Raves, duct-taped armour, heads thrown into plastic bags; this is an apocalyptic underworld where dad dancing min...
Common is a little like a medieval Midsomer Murders. The new play written by DC Moore opens with disguised villagers taking the matter of common land into their...
We live in the hope that the future will be better than the reality we have today. That there will be better opportunities, more advanced technologies, more fre...
Husbands & Sons simultaneously tells the stories from three of D.H. Lawrence’s plays; chopped, re-ordered and enacted side-by-side on the Dorfman stage at t...
Berenice conforms to the governing rules of the 'unities' laid out by Aristotle, which require the play to be ‘coherent, a unified whole, within twenty-four hou...