Anyone else wish there were in Edinburgh right now? For the fourth year in a row I am missing out on the Edinburgh Fringe, a festival that is perhaps the most significant in the theatre industry’s calendar. For the month of August, performers and audience flock to the Scottish capital to experience some of the best (and worst) that theatre has to offer. All this theatre comes with the added bonuses of music, film, comedy shows and plenty of drinks.

What’s more, for an aspiring producer this festival is the one to attend even if you’re not taking up an actual show. Seeing as many performances as possible and meeting actors, directors, writer etc., is always going to be worthwhile, particularly when they may be at stage in their career when they’re willing to work with a new producer.

So why am I still in London? Unfortunately, the constraints of full-time work, maxed-out holiday time and lack of funds are keeping me at home. I am sure some of you also feel my pain. However, all is not lost. I have instead decided to compile a list of all the theatrical goings on in London that I think might be a good antidote to missing the Fringe.

  1. Anna Christie by Eugene O’Neill  at the Donmar Warehouse – Because it has a pretty impressive cast (Ruth Wilson, Jude Law…) and it has the potential to be amazing.
  2. On the Record By Christine Bacon and Noah Birksted-Breen at the Arcola – Because it is always interesting to see how effective theatre can be when giving a voice to political and human rights issues.
  3. Crazy for You by George & Ira Gershwin at Regents Park Open Air Theatre – Because you should always have a summer musical moment, though the ticket prices may keep this firmly on my wish list.
  4. Watch this Space Festival at the National Theatre – Because it’s a festival so sort of like the Fringe… or at least it’s outside and there is likely to be better weather here then in Edinburgh.
  5. Camden Fringe in Camden – Because although it may not be the most popular of the fringes it is now in it’s sixth year and there may be some gems to find.

So anyone else stuck in London this summer, I hope you too can find some theatrical treats to keep you going; if you have more let me know. And next year I promise to break my Edinburgh fast and be there, hopefully with a show or too.

Image by T J Morris