Jenna Watt's delicate one-woman show kicked off Mayfest for me, offering up its bittersweet mix of hope and hate in a delightfully unselfconscious manner. E...
Tom Morris's new production of A Midsummer Night's Dream marks his first collaboration with Handspring puppet company since War Horse. Eleanor Turney caught up ...
It helps that there's something cadaverous about John Mackay, with his close-cropped hair and his deep-set eyes, but he makes a chillingly convincing psychopath...
A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings has been delighting audiences across the UK; having finally caught up with it at Bristol Old Vic, it's easy to see why. G...
Everyone wants to know the trade secrets behind anti-aging; how to pull off being mistaken for a teenager past fifty. Jump back a matter of decades and most p...