What with the modern world wading through an epidemic of mental illness, Margaret Perry’s Collapsible couldn’t be timelier. High and dry on a plinth made of st...
Mika Johnson knows how to work their audience. Bathed in a fluorescent pink glow, Johnson surrenders to the beat of their mouth. Words tumble into the micropho...
Everyone wants to be an armchair detective. After the popularity of Netflix show How to Make a Murderer our insatiable need for crime thrillers has gone wild. N...
I, Elizabeth is a delicate monologue which allows Rebecca Vaughan to display her undeniable talent in full force, maintaining a thick tension in the room th...
Picture two girls in inflated, white suits dancing on stage. They wriggle and dance with delight, resembling a pair of bizarrely elegant sumo wrestlers. Tri...
Chip is as tough as boots - "I know people think it’s horrible, girls fighting, but those f*cks aren’t from Dublin." Her Da lost his job when she was seven ...