Are you looking for work in the arts industry? Each week we at A Younger Theatre are featuring the best job applications from across the arts spectrum. Whether you’re looking for permanent, part time or freelance work, we will try and highlight the best jobs across the UK for you.


A Younger Theatre

Type: Reviewers

Location: North West

Pay: Voluntary

Deadline: Ongoing

Description: AYT are looking for new reviewers in the North West of England, to try and improve our regional coverage of theatre. If you are based in Manchester, Liverpool, Sheffield, Leeds, Nottingham or Derby, we are looking for new writers from these places. Click here to download the application form and apply.


Chichester Festival Theatre

Type: Apprenticeships

Location: Chichester

Pay: £5.30 – 6.70 per hour depending on age

Deadline: July 20

Description: This theatre are offering a number of apprenticeships in building services, HR and admin, production, and learning education and participation. Aimed for people aged 18-24, and includes a professional qualification. For more information, and to apply, click here.


Peer Productions

Type: Administrator

Location: Woking

Pay: £15,000 – £20,000

Deadline: August 5

Description: This theatre charity are looking for an experienced administrator with a passion for theatre. Need to have good organisational skills, experience in IT, and good written and verbal communication skills. To find out more, and apply, email or for an informal chat call Claire on 01483 476825.


National Theatre

Type: Technical Director

Location: London

Pay: Competitive

Deadline: July 29

Description: The NT need a new technical director to lead the strategic and operational team of around 300 people. Need a proven track record in technical management, experience in directing professional and technical staff and strong financial management skills. For more information, and to apply, click here.


The Alchemic Order

Type: Stage Manager

Location: London

Pay: £10,000 – £15,000

Deadline: July 26

Description: This company are looking for a stage manager for their production of The Picture of Dorian Grey in Greenwich. Need stage management training and experience, excellent organisational and time management skills and an understanding of artistic and technical elements. Electrician skills would be desirable. For more information, email Anthony Preston at