The Features section of A Younger Theatre is undergoing some changes that will take it in some exciting directions. With a fantastic team of young journalists made up of experienced AYT writers and some fresh new voices, the Features section is going to be bringing four brand new subsections to the website to keep you informed and entertained with all the latest goings-on in the world of theatre and the arts!
Spotlight On…
Featuring profiles of and interviews with established theatre workers, experienced practitioners, exciting new companies and others, these articles will be the place to find out more about the nitty gritty of what’s really going on out there and how you can be part of it.
On the Road to…
A whistle-stop tour of the UK, AYT-style! From Aberdeen to York to Cardiff, we’ll be bringing this sceptred isle alive and exploring the hidden artistic delights of some of the country’s finest destinations. With nowhere too big or small, we’ll bring the culture to you at home and give you a taste of all the drama in Brighton, Bristol and Birmingham – to name but a few!
Behind the Scenes…
Ever wondered how to turn that acting hobby into a career? Choose the perfect audition piece? Get a shot as a new playwright? These are just some of the questions we’ll be tackling in our informative guides to help you break into the creative industries or just develop your personal passion.
For those of you who crave the ease of having all the latest casting calls, writing competitions or internship opportunities summarised in one place for you, look no further. We’ll be bringing you a monthly round-up of the best of what’s available out there with something for everyone, whatever your discipline or interest!
Whether you’re looking for the best place to visit for a jam-packed weekend of theatre fun or scouting for ways to advance your creative career, A Younger Theatre is the only place to stay updated and discover some of the new, exciting enterprises that are going on out there, so keep checking the website for the first of these new feature strands hitting the Features pages soon. And don’t forget we love to hear your responses to the features on the site, so please take a moment to note down your comments on the website or tweet us if you feel inspired!
If you are a company, individual or organisation who would like to be featured in one of these subsections, please email with some more details.