Are you looking for work in the arts industry? Each week we at A Younger Theatre are featuring the best job applications from across the arts spectrum. Whether you’re looking for permanent, part time or freelance work, we will try and highlight the best jobs across the UK for you.


Unicorn Theatre

Type: Box Office Manager  

Location: London

Pay: £25 -30,000 per annum

Deadline: May 18

Description: This busy theatre is looking for a full time Box Office manager to manage, train and support the team. Need at least 2 years in sales or marketing, Microsoft Office and database software skills, and a strong interest in theatre. For more information, and to apply, click here.


AP Productions

Type: Bi-Lingual French-English Sales

Location: London

Pay: £10-15,000 per annum

Deadline: May 15

Description: A bi-lingual sales person is wanted to promote Musical in Paris. Need to have telephone experience, and fluency in English and French. To apply, send your CV and availability to


Thames RIB Experience

Type: River Thames Speed Boat Tour Guides

Location: London

Pay: £20-25,000 per annum, part time job

Deadline: May 31

Description: People with knowledge of arts, culture and history are wanted as River Thames Tour guides. Could also suit actors, as confident people with an ability to entertain are wanted. Need to also have some sailing or water based experience, but training is provided. To apply email your CV and covering letter to with the header “Speed Boat Crew.”


Town Hall and Symphony Hall

Type: Assistant Marketing Manager

Location: Birmingham

Pay: £22,000 per annum

Deadline: May 29

Description: THSH are looking for an Assistant Marketing Manager to help plan and implement marketing strategies in a variety of ways. Previous experience in a similar role is needed, as well as an enthusiasm for different types of music, a high level of attention to detail and proof reading skills. For more information, and to apply, click here.


Royal Conservatorie of Scotland

Type: Board of Governors

Location: Glasgow

Pay: Expenses only

Deadline: May 14

Description: Scotland’s leading national Conservatorie are looking for new Board members to join as a non-executive Governor.  Need to have board level financial experience, with a business or marketing background and a strong interest in performing arts. To apply email your CV and covering letter to