The Girls, a musical comedy based on the original story of the 1998 Calendar Girls has arrived, and with it droves of raucous middle aged women. Achieving not o...
This is genuinely like nothing I have ever seen. A real mixed bag, Our House is a musical by Tim Firth with songs exclusively by Madness, the most commercially ...
There is an affectionate familiarity about Hull Truck's latest in-house production on the theatre's main stage. Sign of the Times is a revived Tim Firth play ...
Christmas may feel like it's long gone now we're steeped in the cold, dark days of January, but the company of Hull Truck Theatre's The Flint Street Nativity is...
The story of the WI Calendar Girls is probably one with which most of us are familiar. The sentiment and sincerity behind the tale has me on side from the w...