More job opportunities this week from size? Battersea Arts Centre, plus loads more. They are specifically for disabled, LGBTQ+ and artists of colour or to bett...
More creative job opportunities in the arts today, as well as some useful info. Fancy contributing to an exciting youth project in Ipswich? Being a resident wr...
More creative opportunities in the arts today. Do you want to help make the National Theatre more accessible? Join an amazing new mentoring programme for deaf,...
Lots more theatre opportunites and support this week! Look out for a writing programmes for artists of South Asian Descent and a space specifically centered ar...
We're bringing you more theatre opportunites this week, as well as some from last week which are still ongoing. Look out for Hull-based treats and a biggie fro...
We're bringing you more stonking theatre opportunites this week, from companies like Milk Presents and The Queer Arts Consortium. Good luck! Deaf Talent, a...