More job opportunities this week from size? Battersea Arts Centre, plus loads more. They are specifically for disabled, LGBTQ+ and artists of colour or to bett...
There’s nothing more exciting than feeling like you’ve stumbled upon a truly promising writer and performer at the start of their artistic journey. Racheal Ofor...
Last month we were treated to an online big bang kicked off by Bryony Kimmings's I’ll Show you mine blog. It has become clear through the online dialogue th...
Right now London feels like a bloomin’ brilliant place to be. The Olympics did not bring the chaos, disappointment or unprecedented disasters that were promis...
Ganesh Versus the Third Reich, as part of LIFT Festival, sees the return of Back to Back Theatre, the Australian company that brought Food Court to the Barb...
Imagination in theatre is a tool that when used effectively can propel a performance forward into new territories, taking the audience to new worlds and warps...