Celebrating its 10th year, HighTide Festival is a vital platform for emerging new work. Ten days of premieres of new work, talks, readings, comedy and cabare...
The Sugar-Coated Bullets of the Bourgeoisie. It takes a second to digest that, just as a title. As a title alone, it packs quite the punch; it’s about as a catc...
Winner of a 2013 Bruntwood Prize for Playwriting, Luke Norris’s debut play is now co-produced with the Royal Exchange Theatre and is heading for a Manchester tr...
Written and performed by boy-wonder Harry Melling, his debut play, peddling is so perfectly balanced, cleverly staged and unnoticeably acted that it’s difficult...
Bottleneck is a masterly demonstration of pulling-the-rug playwriting. Written by award-winning playwright Luke Barnes and produced by HighTide Festival Theatre...
"We've built a site that manages calls for action," says Amanda White, Strategic Partnerships Director for IdeasTap. The charity maintains a database of more th...