For his final production as The Almeida’s associate director, Robert Icke brings us a “very free” adaptation of doctor-writer Arthur Schnitzel’s play Professor...
Henrik Ibsen's classic play The Wild Duck is reinvented for a modern time, and with a modern style. The evergreen issues that underline the story stand out even...
Following its hugely successful run at the Almeida in 2016/17, Mary Stuart has returned to the Duke of York’s Theatre. The Islington venue is the gift that keep...
Robert Icke’s Hamlet, at Almeida Theatre, has been eagerly anticipated, particularly since the announcement that Andrew Scott would be playing the lead. Ic...
Robert Icke is a clever-clogs, a smarty-pants, a boffin. His Stakhanovite work ethic has established him as the wunderkind of London theatre, churning out his s...
The Red Barn is David Hare's new play based on Georges Simenon's novel La Main, a story of crime, jealousy and desire. We are in Connecticut in 1969, and a snow...