Following the unanimous success of Papatango Prize-winning play, Foxfinder, in 2011, playwright Dawn King returns with Ciphers, a jigsaw-puzzle-like tale of...
Sam Potter has had a long and varied career in theatre, most recently seeing her debut play, Mucky Kid, open at Theatre 503. She shares with A Younger Theatre h...
Blanche McIntyre is the director behind Ciphers, a play by rising talent Dawn King, and a co-production with the esteemed companies Out of Joint, Bush Theatre a...
Sarah Williams talks to playwright David Kantounas who has adapted short stories by American author Jonathan Safran Foer for Dream Epic's current fringe show.
As Up In Arms prepares to present Winterreise at the Tristan Bates Theatre next week, Co-Artistic Director Barney Norris looks back at the work’s long life an...