Listen to the audio here. Winsome Pinnock’s Rockets and Blue
Lights first opened in Manchester at the Royal Exchange Theatre last year
before it was forced ...
Listen to the audio review of Daddy Issues here. Daddy Issues is a dark comedy exploring the life of Natalia, a struggling artist
who makes her living thro...
Listen to the audio review of 'Sisters of Charity' here. Set in the notorious Bessborough Mother
and Baby home in Cork, Sisters of Charity shares an insight...
Listen to the audio review of 'Coronavirus: A Great British Farce' here. It’s my first time back at the Hen and
Chickens since Covid and I am thrilled to se...
Listen to the audio review of 'Blud.' here. Nestled in the heart of Covent Garden is the Actors' Church at St Paul’s, usually passed through as one explores...
Click here to listen to this review. Chris Woodley has openly described his new play as a
‘foul-mouthed farce’, and few will dare to dispute him. Steeped in...