Entering into the black box space, we are met by three downtrodden figures. They sit crumpled, staring into space. There is little real set, bar a rarely-used h...
When Biddy starts to go off the rails at a music festival, her friends just assume it’s the drugs. But when she fails to come down from her outrageous high, the...
Often there appears an impenetrable wall between the sciences and the arts. On one side of the dichotomy is the world of the rational and clinical, and on the o...
Transports is effortless. It is beautiful, heartbreaking and thought-provoking. Every moment of it is about connection, about consistency and, most importantl...
(3/5 stars) Hand Head Hand is a simple show: Laura Jane Dean sits on a chair in a tiny studio and talks to us about her life with OCD. She takes us through...