Secret Life of Humans is a journey into the (hi)story of mankind, striking for its visual, critical, and ambitiously universal approach. Bouncing in and out ...
David Byrne's Secret Life of Humans combines the overlapping histories of the present, the past and the beginning of time to ask the essential human questions o...
George Orwell, under his birth name Eric Blair, quit his middle-class life to live amongst the poor whilst writing his 1933 novel Down and Out in Paris and Lond...
Young Jean Lee’s show, We’re Gonna Die, has the aspiration of sharing a remedy for loneliness, one that isn’t too flashy or instantly life altering. It is an a...
On walking into the rebranded spanking new Dorfman Theatre, you would be forgiven for thinking that the National had paid the wrong developers. The Dorfman does...
(3/5 stars) The team behind Kubrick3 wastes no opportunity to remind their audience that the show is based on completely true events, and it's easy to see why....