Judy Garland, Patsy Cline, Edith Piaf, Billie Holiday and Maria Callas. How could it be possible that one woman may play all of these iconic figures, and play ...
There's something particularly funny about putting a successful yet grouchy old realist in a room with an optimistic, naive try-hard. Besides the fun digs at th...
Set in a post-war British dystopia, the West-End transfer of Dawn King’s Foxfinder follows the events that come to pass when the government sends a ‘Fox Finder’...
After joining the National Youth Theatre in 2016, I successfully auditioned to become a member of this year’s REP Company, which has been an incredible training...
Very young audiences may well be inspired by seeing their peers storm the stage en masse in the British Theatre Academy’s The Adventures of Pinocchio, currently...
In an unspecified area of London, Hari, 11, along with his sister Lydia and Mamma, are fresh off the plane from Ghana, leaving behind his father, baby sister Ag...