Lots more theatre opportunites and support this week! Look out for a writing programmes for artists of South Asian Descent and a space specifically centered around the Neurodivergent Aesthetic. Good luck!

Equity has released a new guide for the creative and cultural industries on good practice in working with autistic artists:


Utopia Theatre and the Boabab Initiative are running a series of £5 workshops aimed at developing the next generation of African artists.

Events run 20th-25th July: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/utopia-theatre-7812746059

Kali Theatre are launching a new playwriting programme (in association with Leeds Playhouse, Hampstead Theatre, and Oldham Coliseum) for aspiring writers of South Asian descent who have never had a full-length play professionally produced.

Deadline 29th July: https://kalitheatre.co.uk/how-to-apply-to-the-discovery-programme/

The team at NSDFest have recently launched the ‘Not So Typical Project’ an opportunity for young artists (16–26) who identify as Nerodivergent; Dyslexic, Dyspraxic, ADHD, Autistic, etc and/or have co-occurring differences. The successful artists will devise a piece of digital theatre to be showcased on the NSDF HUB. This opportunity is open to all Neurodivergent artists nationwide.

Deadline 31st July: https://www.nsdf.org.uk/the-fourth-wall/blogs-news/not-so-typical-project/

Quirk Theatre is seeking a South Asian Diaspora Illustrator/Designer to collaborate on their new family Christmas show.

Deadline 31st July: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GuaZ6byBzehdXz7gEimDkZgHFmnELVsLn9NOPVyoHAA/edit

On the first Sunday of the month, UK-based Neurodivergent Creatives meet on Zoom to chat about their work and the Neurodivergent Aesthetic.

The next session is on Sunday 1st August at 10am. Book here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkdeCtqDktGNaniRWLTM-bADEbHKxjFjrO

Curious Incident are hiring for a variety of jobs, and actively encourage disabled and neurodivergent people to apply.

Deadline 2nd August: http://jobs.nationaltheatre.org.uk/

The Museum of the Neurodivergent Aesthetic (an online publication) is home to creative content, conversations, and case studies about the Neurodivergent Aesthetic. They hope to build a community of neurodivergent artists and invite writers and artists who identify as neurodivergent to share share their creative work or their stories, articles, case studies, research, about Creativity, Education, and/or Neurodiversity. They accept artwork, audio files, and video content as well as text-based submissions.


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