We’re bringing you more theatre opportunites this week, as well as some from last week which are still ongoing. Look out for Hull-based treats and a biggie from Tamasha. Good luck!
Tiata fahodzi, a theatre company that supports British-African heritage artists and tells stories exploring British African heritage identity and the African diaspora experience, is hiring a new executive director.
Deadline 22nd July: https://tiatafahodzi.com/vacancies/executive-director/
Hull-based theatre company Concrete Youth are recruiting actors, a dramaturg and and a sound designer for a new multi-sensory theatre project aimed at audiences with profound and multiple learning disabilities.
Deadline 22nd July: https://www.concreteyouth.co.uk/jobs-and-opportunities?fbclid=IwAR1caYDUtCTJdlQ55RSMpIm7PS31Ytu5IvV7X1cyk78EGJ3wUET8aQ_qB-k
Vital Xposure (in partnership with Paines Plough, the Bush Theatre and Theatre 503) are launching Wellspring, a bespoke creative writing programme for London-based disabled writers. You do not have to have written a play before.
Deadline 22nd July: https://www.vitalxposure.co.uk/productions/wellspring/
LADA are hosting a workshop for neurodivergent artists, which comprises a full day in-person workshop in London on Saturday 25th September, and an online debrief the following day.
Deadline 26th July: https://www.thisisliveart.co.uk/opportunities/diy-tink-efi-wrap-live-exploring-sensory-underload-for-neurodivergent-artists/
Milk Presents are hosting a paid three-day artistic camping retreat for LGBTQIA+ live performance artists within the first five years of their careers. They especially invite applications from artists who are global majority, disabled, or socioeconomically disadvantaged.
The retreat runs 3rd-5th September and the deadline to apply is 30th July: https://milkpresents.com/event/summer_summit
Creative Youth have opened applications for their Creative Youth Programme, and are especially interested in applications from D/deaf, disabled, and neurodiverse artists and companies. Must be under 27.
Deadline 1st August: https://creativeyouthcharity.org/creative-talent/creative-talent-programme-2021-22/
Graeae are recruiting for four trainee positions (a Producer, a Marketing & Development Manager, and two Associate Artists), must be Deaf/disabled/neurodivergent.
Deadline 9th August: https://graeae.org/about/recruitment/
Tamasha Theatre are looking for a new artistic director.
Deadline 10th August: https://www.artsjobs.org.uk/arts-job/post/artistic-director-38751a4c64/
Strike a Light have partnered with Artistic Directors of the Future to launch Up Next, a leadership programme for people of colour.
Deadline September: https://strikealight.org.uk/2021/06/06/opportunity-1-year-paid-arts-leadership-placement-executive-directors-of-the-future/