Are you looking for work in the arts industry? Each week we at A Younger Theatre are featuring the best job applications from across the arts spectrum. Whether you’re looking for permanent, part time or freelance work, we will try and highlight the best jobs across the UK for you.
A Younger Theatre
Type: Reviewers
Location: North West
Pay: Voluntary
Deadline: Ongoing
Description: AYT are looking for new reviewers in the North West of England, to try and improve our regional coverage of theatre. If you are based in Manchester, Liverpool, Sheffield, Leeds, Nottingham or Derby, we are looking for new writers from these places. Click here to download the application form and apply.
Impossible: Nothing is Quite What It Seems
Type: Magicians, illusionists and daredevils.
Location: UK and International Tour
Pay: Not specified
Deadline: August 17
Description: This West End show are looking for illusionists, daredevils, mentalists and tricksters to join their line-up. Need to send a video showcasing best tricks and stunts, along with name, contact information and a photograph to to apply.
Little Creatives Theatre School
Type: Dance/Singing Teacher
Location: London
Pay: £40 per hour
Deadline: August 19
Description: This new school in Harrow are looking for an experienced teacher. Current hours are 10-11am, but if successful could increase. Need to be trained, and have experience performing professionally, and hold a current DBS. To apply, send a CV and a short paragraph about your experience to
ICU Transformational Arts
Type: Stage Manager
Location: National UK Tour
Pay: £10 – 15,000, negotiable
Deadline: August 21
Description: An experienced stage manager is needed for this touring play about “sexual and mental abuse.” Need experience in stage managing, operating sound and lighting equipment, a driving licence and car and be a positive ‘can-do’ person. Could also be involved in the 2016 international tour. To apply, send a covering letter, CV, two references and a 500 word expression of interest to
Opera North
Type: Digital Content Co-ordinator
Location: Leeds
Pay: £20 – 23,000 DOE
Deadline: August 25
Description: This opera company are looking for an experience press officer to join their comms team. Need experience managing PR campaigns, with three years in PR, media or journalism. Need excellent organisational, administrative and communication skills. For more information and to apply, click here.