The swinging sixties might have launched the Beatles and the Stones and the Age of Aquarius, but it was also a time in which musicals with Victorian or Edwardia...
The synopsis of John Van Druten’s 1931 play London Wall (filmed twice for television, but rarely seen since) calls to mind a British Mad Men. It’s telling t...
The stereotypical image of the English Civil War is that of clumsy Roundheads and graceful Cavaliers - when I think of this period, it's Keeping Up Appearance...
Having recently hosted a transfer of All Star Pro’s enjoyable production of Kander and Ebb’s first show Flora the Red Menace, the Landor now presents the prof...
There’s something very made-for-TV about playwright and Booker-nominated novelist Sebastian Barry’s 1892-set play The Only True History of Lizzie Finn, whic...
Gilbert and Sullivan had a particular knack for choosing pertinent subjects, and exposing their absurdities with wit and style that could be interpreted as eith...