Boys and Girls is a punchy, hour long sketch show exploring the comic facets of the myriad relationships between girls and boys. A two hander, written and perfo...
4.48 Psychosis is a play like no other, and in this regard poses very interesting questions when evaluating it. Sarah Kane’s famous last work, written whilst su...
Lucy Osborne’s fantastic design is the first thing that strikes you as Luna Gale starts up. The three walls of the stage house thick black shelves stacked floor...
Entering the space at the Gate Theatre you are accosted by spinning yellow hazard lights and heavy, fast rock music, reminiscent of Massive Attack. This sensory...
This night begins in a pattern that was to follow for the rest of the night. On a giant projection screen at the back of the stage, we are shown a fictional rec...
Having been greeted at the door, we are told we are present at a focus group. We are also asked to stand underneath one of a set of wooden shapes attached to th...