Ben Weatherill’s Jellyfish explores the journey of Kelly (Sarah Gordy), who has Down’s Syndrome, as she navigates the rollercoaster of love, as well as the effe...
Chris Buxey’s radio play charts the story of author Stuart (John Rayment), whose young adult series of books, Frankie Fightwell, with a strong, eponymous heroin...
Alex Benjamin’s Cotton investigates the impact of professional gaming on the participants’ impressions of reality. Precocious Kieran (Ben Mallett) throws a game...
Saint George and the Dragon is a remimagining of Evgeny Schwartz' 'The Dragon', an allegory of Stalinism, by playwright Rory Mullarkey, centred on England. The ...
The last of Puccini’s operas, this revival of Turandot by the Royal Opera House comes with a libretto by Giuseppe Adami and Renato Simoni. It tells the story of...
Written by Julian Fellowes, this is an adaptation of Kenneth Graeme's children's classic, with Ratty (Simon Lipkin) and Mole (Craig Mather) messing about on the...